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Gate of India and Taj Hotel in Mumbai

Amphitheater Navi Mumbai Bandra Worli sea link mumbai Gate of India and Taj Hotel in Mumbai gateway of india mumbai wallpaper mumbai beach

Gate of India and Taj Hotel in Mumbai


Gate of India and Taj Hotel in Mumbai Picture

Gate of India and Taj Hotel in Mumbai photo or wallpaper

Gate of India and Taj Hotel in Mumbai
Date: 27.03.2013 23:27
Hits: 3560
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 526.5 KB

Model: NIKON D60
Exposure time: 1/1250
Aperture value: F/4
ISO speed: 100
Date created: 08.11.2009 13:18:07
Focal length: 18mm

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